Home Amazing Stories British travel blogger Graham Askey spends $165K and visits 91 countries to find the world’s worst toilet
British travel blogger Graham Askey found world's worst toilet feature

British travel blogger Graham Askey spends $165K and visits 91 countries to find the world’s worst toilet

Worst Toilet

by Peter Barnes

Some individuals travel extensively in quest of excitement. Others want to explore new cuisines or other civilizations. However, Graham Askey, a 58-year-old blogger, had a somewhat different goal in mind. He traveled 75,000 miles in search of the worst toilet in the entire world.

Who is Graham Askey?

British travel blogger Graham Askey found world's worst toilet (3)
British travel blogger Graham Askey | The Mirror

To pay for his trips, Graham Askey, a former builder, leases out his English home. He primarily wanders around impoverished dictatorships and developing nations, striking up conversations with strangers on the street in locations that have no tourist appeal at all. Hopefully, I will meet new people and pick up new skills along the way.

His blog, InsideOtherPlaces, strives to provide readers with some understanding of the people and cultures he has encountered while traveling, as well as, if possible, the occasional bit of entertainment. Toilets of the Wild Frontier, Graham’s debut book, which takes a funny look at the terrible toilets he’s discovered in remote locations, is scheduled for release later this year.

Graham Askey to find worst toilet

British travel blogger Graham Askey found world's worst toilet
According to Askey this is the ‘worst toilet’ in the world, which is located near the border with Afghanistan in Tajikistan

This British travel blogger, Graham Askey has traveled 75,000 miles through more than 90 countries while spending $165,000 in an effort to identify the worst toilets in the world. At the conclusion of the tour, Askey, 58, claimed Tajikistan had the worst toilets.

He eventually discovered the world’s worst toilets after traveling to roughly 91 different nations and blogging about his worst encounters. Finally he found that the world’s worst toilet is situated in northern Tajikistan, close to the Afghan border. The toilets are in terrible shape and are hardly ever used by locals. The surrounding stones of the toilet could be home to snakes and wild rats, and the toilet’s clothes walls reach the ground.

Before finding the worst toilet in Tajikistan, Graham Askey visited hundreds of toilets on six of the seven continents. The walk to the toilet, which is constructed on a three-meter-high stilt hut, is so perilous, though, that he also included it on the list of Indonesia’s worst toilets. His upcoming book, Toilets of the Wild Frontier, will detail his trips.

Toilets of the Wild Frontier

toilets of the wild frontier
Graham Askey’s book “Toilets of the Wild Frontier”

In his latest book, Toilets of the Wild Frontier, Graham has included 36 of the “worst clappers” he could find. His “trash list” also includes washbasins from Bangladesh and “one-and two-liter” toilets from China.

The book, which is comically credited to the fictitious Toilet & Urinal Restoration & Design Society (figure out the name! ), covers toilets in 10 nations: Tajikistan, China, Indonesia, Sudan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Benin, and Burkina Faso.

Do you want to know why Graham set out on this strange quest to locate the worst toilets in the world?

A hut on three-meter stilts in Indonesia also made the list thanks to its deadly defying walkway

He began by picturing the worst outdoor toilet he had ever used, anywhere in the world. He made the decision to protect the audience from the “vomit-inducing” material there. Unquestionably, every “thing” on my list is abhorrent. Some may appear to be OK, but believe me when I say that they are among the most unfriendly places on earth and should not be visited unless absolutely necessary. Miller cited Graham as adding, “Stiles, what looks like urine in the sink, and what looks like a bathtub used as a makeshift swamp.”

But after using some of the filthiest toilets in the world, Tajikistan’s toilets must be the worst in the world; it’s a perfect hellhole, he continued. Because toilet paper is hard to come by, the builders were smart to give it a fabric cover that can be used to wipe, and it looks like the locals are taking full advantage of it!

Readers will undoubtedly find these pitiful public toilets amusing, but they are serious and virtually unneeded issues that can be significantly decreased by giving to organizations like Action Aid and World Toilet Day. It obviously presents a health danger.

British travel blogger Graham Askey found world's worst toilet
British travel blogger Askey

Source: Dailymail | All the information & photo credit goes to respective authorities. DM for removal please.

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graliontorile November 7, 2022 - 8:02 pm

Keep functioning ,fantastic job!

Peter Barnes
Peter Barnes November 8, 2022 - 1:41 pm

Thank You..


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