Home Celebrity 1962 Marilyn Monroe’s Death: What Really Happened?

1962 Marilyn Monroe’s Death: What Really Happened?

by Peter Barnes

“[She] was drinking champagne and straight vodka and occasionally popping a pill… I said, ‘Marilyn, the combination of pills and alcohol will kill you.’ And she said, ‘It hasn’t killed me yet.’ Then she took another drink and popped another pill.”

James Bacon, a close friend of Marilyn Monroe.
1962 Marilyn Monroe's Death: What Really Happened?
Photo – Wikipedia

Marilyn Monroe’s Death: 7 Conspiracy Theories From Murderous Kennedys to UFOs

  • Robert Kennedy assassinated her to hide their romance.
  • Robert F. Kennedy assassinated her for knowing too much.
  • Robert Kennedy didn’t kill her, but he arranged her death as a suicide.
  • The CIA assassinated her in order to harm the Kennedys.
  • The Mafia assassinated her in order to harm the Kennedys.
  • Her doctors staged a cover-up.
  • She planned to reveal the truth about UFOs.


Marilyn Monroe was one of the most sought-after and successful actresses of her era when she died in 1962, but success didn’t always equate to happiness for Monroe. Despite her enormous talents, she was rejected for most of her life as a brainless beauty, and her latter years were marred by poor relationships, drugs, and melancholy. Monroe’s death was ruled a “possible suicide” at the time, but a lack of evidence has fed conspiracy theories for decades, with everything from UFOs to the Kennedy family being blamed for her death. We’ll almost certainly never know the truth regarding her tragic death. We can only speculate on what may have been.

A Superstar’s Death

1962 Marilyn Monroe's Death: What Really Happened?
The room where Marilyn Monroe died | E. Murray/Fox Photos/Getty Images

Monroe’s acute despair and insomnia drove her to rely on amphetamines to get out of bed in the morning and booze and barbiturates to get back into bed in her final years. Her once-successful career was thrown into disarray by this literal mixture of disease and self-medication, and she was dismissed and sued for $750,000 by 20th Century Fox after a chronic respiratory ailment delayed production of 1962’s Something’s Got To Give. She was hired again at the request of her co-star, Dean Martin, and filming was supposed to start again in October. But it didn’t work out.

Monroe spent the day of August 4, 1962, puttingtering around her Brentwood estate, where she had a therapy session and a meeting with a photographer to negotiate a Playboy spread. Monroe’s housekeeper, Eunice Murray, discovered her facedown in her bed the next morning, at about 3:30 a.m., unresponsive. She was confirmed dead of a barbiturate overdose at 3:50 a.m.

The Case Against Murder

1962 Marilyn Monroe's Death: What Really Happened?
Medical attendents removing the body of Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Mortenson or Norma Jean Baker, 1926 – 1962) from her home. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

Because of the way the Hollywood system worked in the early 1960s, stars were shielded from any stories that would make them seem bad in the press at all costs, even if they were dead. In several cases, studio “fixers” arrived at the crime scene before the cops to ensure everything was in order.

Although there is no proof that anyone from 20th Century Fox was present at Monroe’s home on the morning of August 5, 1962, Monroe’s housekeeper was spotted washing the star’s bedding as the cops arrived. Monroe’s autopsy revealed no capsules in her stomach, casting doubt on the idea of a barbiturate overdose, and her body had marks associated with a violent altercation. To add insult to injury, the deputy coroner at the time said he signed the star’s death certificate “under duress.”

Was Marilyn Monroe assassinated by the Kennedys?

1962 Marilyn Monroe's Death: What Really Happened?
Cecil W. Stoughton/Wikimedia Commons

Marilyn Monroe’s affairs with John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert, are one of history’s worst-kept secrets. Frank A. Capell, an anti-communist activist, self-published a leaflet in 1964 alleging that after Monroe was rejected by both the Kennedy brothers, she vowed to expose them as comrades. Capell believed that almost everyone in Monroe’s life was a communist, including Robert Kennedy, whom he claimed was plotting to topple the nation from within. Capell believed the Kennedys had her “liquidated” to prevent her from speaking out.

Norman Mailer, a literary giant, published a biography of Marilyn Monroe in 1973, which took a different view on the idea that the Kennedy family was complicit in the star’s assassination. He believed she was assassinated by the FBI or CIA in order to create a “point of pressure” against the Kennedys. Even though Mailer didn’t believe Monroe had an affair with Robert Kennedy, he thought the government might have staged her death to make it look like she killed herself because she didn’t get what she wanted from Bobby Kennedy.

Is Jimmy Hoffa to blame for the death of Marilyn Monroe?

1962 Marilyn Monroe's Death: What Really Happened?

Jimmy Hoffa was in a legal battle with the US government in 1962 on charges that he was using a pension fund to pay the mob. Hoffa took issue with the charge, not because it wasn’t accurate, but because he believed the Kennedys (whose golden boy, Bobby, was in charge of the inquiry) made their money from bootlegging. Although the accuracy of that claim is debatable, it is known that Hoffa despised their hypocrisy. What isn’t known, but is speculated in some quarters, is that Hoffa went after Monroe to punish Robert F. Kennedy. Hoffa allegedly felt it was Robert who was in love with Monroe, so he had the attorney general’s girlfriend offed as a form of retaliation.

Was Marilyn Monroe killed because of secrets of Area 51?

Ufologist Steven Greer claimed to have access to recordings of a phone conversation between Monroe and Robert Kennedy in the 2017 documentary Unacknowledged, in which the two discussed the President’s visiting a base in New Mexico to investigate objects from outer space. Greer believes the CIA murdered Monroe and forced the coroner’s office to proclaim the death a suicide in order to keep Area 51’s secrets—and whatever else she knew—safe. The idea that Marilyn Monroe was killed because she knew about a 1940s event in New Mexico isn’t true, but the other explanations aren’t true, either.Unless it’s the case.

Marilyn Monroe’s Friends React To Her Death

1962 Marilyn Monroe's Death: What Really Happened?
Photo- BBC

Sophia Loren was overcome with emotion when she learned of Monroe’s death. In a letter from Spain, author Truman Capote recalled his acquaintance with the actress. It was a far more positive picture than the one of despondent hopelessness that was hidden by drugs and binges.

He wrote, “I cannot believe Marilyn M. is dead.” “She was such a sweetheart, so pure in her heart, so on the side of the angels.” “What a poor little baby.”

Monroe’s friends quickly began to say that the official report of her death was a hoax and that there had been a clear attempt to hide her murder from the public.

Bacon remembered visiting her just a few days before and recalled her being in great spirits.

He claimed, “She wasn’t depressed in the least.” “She mentioned that she wanted to go to Mexico.”

Pat Newcomb, another acquaintance, said he saw Monroe the night before she died, and the two had made plans to go to the movies the next day. There were a lot of reasons why, he said. She had recently rekindled an old romance with her ex-husband, Joe DiMaggio.

“Does that sound like she was depressed about her career?” one of her colleagues asked directly.

1962 Marilyn Monroe's Death: What Really Happened?
Here is an actual LAPD photograph of Marilyn Monroe in her deathbed, the early morning of August 5th, 1962. A policeman’s hand points to the pill bottles that supposedly contributed to her “suicide.” 

Marilyn Monroe, who had recently been rehired on Something’s Gotta Give, had similarly left no suicide note. Her autopsy report stated that she died as a result of a slew of pills, yet no trace of the drugs was found in her stomach. The case’s junior medical examiner, Thomas Noguchi, eventually urged for it to be reopened.

As soon as police came to check up on Marilyn Monroe’s home, they saw that her housekeeper washed her beds heets while they were asleep.

The deputy coroner who signed Marilyn Monroe’s death certificate said he did so “under duress,” implying that he did so under duress. People had had enough of the official story, and a new investigation was launched in 1982 as a result of numerous reports and books.

Despite the fact that the data analyzed “fails to support any premise of criminal activity,” the inquiry revealed some “factual disparities and unsolved concerns,” according to the report. Her death was eventually ruled a suicide by the new investigation.

However, conspiracy theorists believe that Monroe’s personal life has a wide range of possible homicide motives, and some of them are very serious, so they think he might have killed someone.

As Norma Jean Mortenson, Marilyn Monroe’s Early Life

A young Norma Jean Mortenson | Wikimedia Commons

Marilyn Monroe was born Norma Jeane Mortenson on June 1, 1926, in Los Angeles, California. Her effervescent façade concealed a profound emotional fragility and a lifetime battle with substance misuse. This, in turn, stemmed from the star’s difficult childhood, which he spent primarily in foster homes.

Her meteoric climb to fame was made all the more astounding by the massive leaps she took over the next two decades, eventually making her the world’s most famous movie star. Monroe’s filmography had already grossed the current equivalent of $2 billion by the 1950s.

Clearly, her urgent wish to grow up to be wealthy and famous had come true—albeit the anguish of her upbringing remained. Anxiety and sadness plagued the young star, who sought temporary respite from drugs and drink.

Oleg Alexandrov/Wikimedia Commons

Monroe’s behavior eventually began to influence her career. Her inability to show up on set on time, if at all, along with her inability to recall her lines when she did, resulted in her termination from her most recent project, Something’s Got to Give.

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1 comment

John Alexander Baker April 13, 2022 - 1:41 am

Marilyn Monroe used the name, Norma Jeane Baker frequently. She may not have died in 1952 after all…. … https://www.amazon.com/dp/1096115549


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