Home Amazing Stories Husband Sneaks Australian Shepherd into Hospital for Dying Wife’s Last Goodbye
Australian shepherd

Husband Sneaks Australian Shepherd into Hospital for Dying Wife’s Last Goodbye

Australian Shepherd

by Deborah Audas

A story of unwavering love and determination has captivated readers across the USA. Recently shared on Reddit, a man recounted how he went to extreme lengths to fulfill his dying wife’s final wish – to see their dog one more time.

His wife had undergone a challenging surgery and her prognosis was bleak. She could barely eat or drink and relied on IV fluids and pain medication. In a rare moment of lucidity, she asked her husband to bring their 50-pound Australian Shepherd to her private hospital room.

Undeterred by the challenge, the man came up with a plan. He carefully packed their Australian Shepherd dog in a regular suitcase, leaving the zipper unzipped, and discreetly brought her into the hospital. Unbelievably, she never whimpered, barked, or whined. He calmly explained to the nurses that he was bringing items to make his wife more comfortable, and they didn’t raise any suspicions.

When they entered the room, his wife was asleep. He unzipped the suitcase, and the dog immediately jumped on the bed and lay across her chest, avoiding the wires and IV. The dog looked into his wife’s eyes and stayed still, quietly comforting her as she slept.

Australian shepherd
He carefully packed their Australian Shepherd dog in a regular suitcase, leaving the zipper unzipped, and discreetly brought her into the hospital. Unbelievably, she never whimpered, barked, or whined.

When his wife woke up in pain, the dog started licking her, gently moaning as if understanding the need for silence. His wife hugged the dog for almost an hour, smiling the whole time. They were caught by one nurse, who was deeply moved and promised to keep their secret.

Sadly, his wife passed away a few days later. Now, whenever he grabs the suitcase, the dog thinks they are going to see her again, adding another layer of heartbreak to their story.

This touching tale of love and sacrifice has resonated with readers across the USA, highlighting the profound bond between humans and their furry companions, and the lengths we would go for the ones we love.

Related: With the adoption of six orphaned puppies, rescue dog super mom feeds 17 babies.

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